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Roof leak investigation is a meticulous process aimed at identifying the source of water infiltration into a building’s interior. Leaks can result from various factors such as damaged roofing materials, improper installation, aging, or severe weather conditions. Here’s a detailed overview of the roof leak investigation process:

Initial Assessment
  • Our experienced technicians begin by conducting a thorough visual inspection of the interior and exterior of the building.
  • We look for visible signs of water damage, such as stains on ceilings or walls, peeling paint, dampness, or mold growth.
  • Exterior assessment involves examining the roof surface, flashing, gutters, downspouts, vents, chimneys, and other potential entry points for water.

Historical Analysis:

  • We gather information about the building’s construction, roofing materials, maintenance history, and previous leak incidents.
  • Understanding the building’s history helps us identify recurring issues, potential vulnerabilities, and areas that require closer inspection.
Water Testing
  • In cases where the source of the leak is not immediately evident, we may conduct water tests to simulate rainfall and pinpoint the location of infiltration.
  • Water testing involves systematically spraying water onto different sections of the roof while monitoring for signs of water penetration indoors.
  1. Thermal Imaging and Moisture Detection:
    • Utilizing advanced technology such as thermal imaging cameras and moisture meters, we detect hidden moisture within roof structures and building materials.
    • Thermal imaging helps identify temperature differentials that may indicate areas of moisture infiltration, even in concealed spaces.
  2. Roof Inspection:
    • Our technicians conduct a comprehensive inspection of the roof surface, including shingles, tiles, membranes, seams, flashing, and penetrations.
    • We look for visible signs of damage, deterioration, missing or displaced materials, and areas susceptible to water intrusion.
  3. Flashing and Sealant Examination:
    • Flashing around roof penetrations, vents, chimneys, skylights, and other openings is inspected for integrity and proper sealing.
    • We examine sealants and caulking for signs of deterioration, cracking, or separation, which can compromise their waterproofing effectiveness.
  4. Attic and Interior Inspection:
    • Accessing the attic space allows us to inspect the underside of the roof deck, insulation, and structural components for signs of water damage or moisture intrusion.
    • Interior inspection involves identifying areas of water staining, dampness, or mold growth, tracing the path of water infiltration from the point of entry.

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